Budget category data fields
A budget category code. This field is used to display the budget category in the elements list. The budget category code has to be unique per financial year.
A budget category description. This field is used to display the budget category in the elements list.
Once-only budget category
This field enables you to specify whether a budget category is a once-only budget category (value Yes) or a recurring budget category (value No).
Budgets for a new financial year can be created on the basis of budgets of other financial years. This can be done by adopting budget categories and their underlying budgets. If a budget category is recurring, then all underlying recurring budgets will be included when adopting the budgets. However, underlying once-only budgets will not be included. If a budget category is once-only, then the underlying budgets - whether they are defined as recurring or not - will not be adopted. For more information on adopting budget categories with their budgets, refer to Adopting budget categories with their budgets.
The total budget for the active budget category. The contents of this field can be typed or automatically calculated, depending on the value specified in the Calculation method field.
Modification date
The date on which the latest budget adjustment has taken place. The moment the value in the Budget field is modified, the current system date is automatically placed in the field, i.e. the day the adjustment took place. The contents of the field can be adopted manually.
Calculation method
There are two ways to specify the amounts for budget categories and budgets. The total amount for a budget category can be specified and divided over the various budgets on the basis of a percentage. Select the Budget % of budget category option to use this method. Alternatively specify the amounts for each budget. In a budget category’s Budget field the various amounts are added. To use this method, select the Budget category budget total option.
Cost group
The cost group a budget category belongs to can be selected from a pick list. The list contains the cost groups specified at the Cost groups selection level. For more information on cost groups, refer to Working with Budget Management.
Here you can enter an unrestricted amount of text, such as information regarding the relevant budget category.
Financial year
The financial year to which a budget category applies. For each added budget, the current (=active) financial year is automatically entered. The contents of the field cannot be modified. For more information on setting the active financial year, refer to Setting the active financial year.
When a new budget category is added, the status will initially be Open. Essentials Edition will automatically populate the Status field with the value Open. If the relevant budget category has been closed, the value Closed is specified here. The value in this field cannot be overwritten manually.
For more information on closing budgets, refer to Closing budgets.