Adding budget categories
To add a budget category, proceed as follows:
1. Go to the Budget categories selection level.
2. If you drill down from a specific property, the budget categories linked to that specific property are displayed.
If you want to view the general budget categories that are not linked to the active property, click the
General categories included button in the toolbar.
*By default, only the budget categories of the active financial year are shown. If you also want to view the budget categories of other financial years, click the Financial year button and select Inactive.
3. From the action menu, select Add.
4. Complete the fields in the data section.
For more information on the available fields, refer to Property budget category data fields.
5. Click Save.
A new budget category is created.
*Note that the new budget category is not yet linked to a property. For more information on how to do this, refer to Linking a budget category to a property.