Closing budgets
It is possible to close a budget. If a budget is closed, you can no longer enter costs for this budget.
You can close a budget only if:
The orders related to the budget must be either in Administratively completed or Canceled status.
Budgets can be closed in the following ways:
1. Close each budget separately
. On the
Budgets selection level, click Closed status on the action menu.
2. Close all budgets in a budget category. On the Budgets categories selection level, click Closed status on the action menu. If you want to close all budgets of various budget categories simultaneously, you can use the Action on selection option.
3. Close all budgets related to a financial year. On the Financial year selection level, click Close all budgets of financial year on the action menu.
*For more information on the Action on selection option, see Fundamentals.