Field | Description |
Contract | A read-only field in which Planon ProCenter automatically indicates the contract number and the description of the contract to which the action has been linked. |
Action date | Enter the date the action has to be executed. This field contains the contract’s start date by default. |
Action applied on | Enter the date on which the action was actually applied. This field contains the contract’s end date by default. |
Action type | Select the required action type from a picklist, for example contract review, conditions adjustment, discuss price change. |
Person responsible | Enter the person who is responsible for executing this action. The required person can be selected from a picklist containing persons that were added in the Personnel TSI. |
Contracting party | Enter the required contracting party from a picklist containing contracting parties that were defined at the Components > Contracting parties step. For details on adding and maintaining contracting parties, see Adding contracting parties. You can archive the obsolete contract actions to remove them from the element section. |