Field | Description |
Accepting contract party | Specify if the price announcement letter is to be addressed to a Person or to an Address of the accepting contracting party. This field is mandatory. |
Code | Enter a code for the price announcement letter. This field is mandatory. |
Include price changes only | If you want to only include contract lines in which price changes have occurred, set this field to Yes. If you want to include contract lines in which any change has occurred, set this field to No. |
Period start date | Specify the start date of the period for which changes are to be announced. This field is mandatory. |
Period end date | Specify the end date of the period for which changes are to be announced. This field is mandatory. |
Template | Specify the mail merge report definition template you created in step 2 of the procedure. This field is mandatory. |
Copy to person or address | Specify if a copy of the price announcement letter is to be addressed to a Person or to an Address defined for the contract. |
Name | Enter a name for the price announcement letter form. |
Allow duplicates for period | If for a particular contract, you want to allow the price announcement letter to be used to report changes for a period of time that overlaps with periods of time already reported on, set this field to Yes. If you set this field to No, you can only create a price announcement letter if no letter has already been created for the entire period specified. |
Include once-only contract lines | If you want to also report changes to contract lines in which only a single payment is made (i.e. with payment frequency set to once only), set this field to Yes. |
Include starting & ending contract lines | To include contract lines that start or end within the specified period, set this option to Yes. |
Save as PDF | If you select Yes, the price announcement letters are stored as PDF, ready to be printed or to be sent via email. |
Email subject report | Select a data-only report to be used for specifying the email subject of a form that will be sent by email. |