Adding contract lines
After creating a contract, you can add the corresponding contract lines. Contract lines are added at the Contract details > Contract lines selection step.
If the reference date is active, the expired contract lines (i.e. contract lines whose end date has already passed or contract lines that are terminated) are not visible in the elements list.
The procedure to add a contract line is as follows:
1. At the Contracts selection level, click the contract to which you want to add contract lines.
2. Descend to Contract details > Contract lines.
3. On the action menu, click Add.
Contract lines of the type SLA can be used to link Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to a contract.
For details, see the
SLA Management documentation.
4. Complete the fields in the data section.
For details on the available fields, see
Contract line data fields.
5. Click Save.
You have now added a new contract line.
A contract is always linked to a property via a contract line.
See also