Adding contracts
You can add various types of contracts such as service contracts and lease contracts at the Contracts selection level.
Follow the steps given below to add a contract.
1. Go to the Contracts selection level.
2. On the action menu, click Add service contract/Add lease contract.
3. Complete the fields in the data section.
For details on the available fields, refer to
Contract data fields.
4. Click Save.
You have now added a new contract.
For data fields specifically for lease contracts, refer to
Additional fields for lease contracts.
A new contract is automatically assigned the In preparation status. This status indicates that data is not yet finalized and it therefore allows changes to be made. If a contract is validated, its status must be manually set to Active.
For details on changing a contract’s status, see
Manually changing a contract status.
If the reference date is active, the expired contracts (i.e. contracts whose end date has already passed or contracts that are terminated) are not visible in the elements list.
At the
Contracts selection level, the
Contracts without contract lines toggle button allows you to either show
all contracts or only the contracts
without contract lines. By default, all contracts are shown. Click the
Contracts without contract lines button to only show contracts without contract lines.
See also