Applying contract options
Options that have been added to a contract can be applied if the contract’s status is either Active or Renewed. An option can only be applied if the reference date is active.
For details on using reference dates, see Reference date.
Proceed as follows to apply contract options:
1. At the Contracts selection level, select the contract to which you want to apply a contract option.
2. Go to Contract details > Contract options.
3. Select the contract option you want to apply.
4. On the Status transitions action menu, click Applied. The contract option's status is now set to Applied.
Depending on the contract option type you are using, the following takes place:
If you are using a renewal option, this option is now applied. Essentials Edition automatically changes the contract’s status from Active to Renewed while modifying the end date. The new end date is calculated as follows: current end date + renewal term.
If you are using a shortening option, this option is now applied. Essentials Edition automatically changes the contract’s end date.
If you are using a termination option, the following question is displayed:
The contract will be terminated, with <actual end date calculated by Planon> as end date. Would you like to continue? (Please select No to change the date).

If you select Yes, Essentials Edition automatically changes the contract’s status to Terminated while populating the contract’s Actual end date field. The actual end date is calculated as follows:
Date specified in the option’s Ultimate notification date field + term of notice.
If you select No, a dialog box is displayed allowing you to choose another actual end date for the contract.