Making life cycle modifications
The following business objects support life cycles:
Life cycles are available in Contracts
Contract lines
Rentable units
Usage with rating
On Contract details level it is possible to add or undo modifications to existing life cycles.
For enhanced flexibility, it is possible to add modifications to a contract’s life cycle.
1. Go to Contracts. Select the contract to which you want to add a modification.
2. Descend to the Contract details selection level, and select the Contracts life cycle step.
3. Select a life cycle from the list and on the action menu, click Add modification.
A dialog box displaying the reference date appears.
4. Enter the date on which you want to apply the modification.
5. Click OK.
A new life cycle is added to the list.
The previous life cycle is automatically ended on the day prior to the new life cycle’s start date. The new life cycle will adopted the previous life cycle’s end date. The Add modifications action is available on all business objects that support life cycles.
Undoing a life cycle modification
By undoing a life cycle modification, you rollback the changes made to the previous life cycle.
To undo a life cycle modification
1. On the Contract details selection level, select the Contracts life cycle step.
2. Select the life cycle whose modifications you want rollback.
3. On the action menu, click Undo life cycle changes.
*Undo life cycle changes does not revert the last changes to the life cycle. Instead, the selected life cycle adopts the life cycle field data of the previous life cycle.
A life cycle field is identified by the icon preceding the field name.