Running a trial amount closure
The purpose of trial amount closure is to allow you to check if the contract data and the financial data that will be generated for a certain period is correct. It is also possible to temporarily freeze contract (line) data, for example if you want to make a last check before the final amount closure is run. In this case, use the Trial close & freeze data option. The procedure to run a trial closure is as follows.
1. At the Contracts selection level, click the contract for which you want to perform a trial amount closure.
2. On the action menu, click Trial close or Trial close & freeze data.
In a situation where you are absolutely certain that financial data will not be changed, you can use Trial close. This will result in faster results, but you have to be absolutely sure that data is not changed. This situation might fit a small business.
If financial data changes on the fly, it is best to perform a Trial close & freeze. By doing this, the data is locked for the set of contracts for which you are performing a trial closure. The trial closure run will take a bit longer, but your data remains unchanged. This situation better fits a medium/larger business.
The Enter values window is displayed. By default, the last day of the current month is selected in the Trial closure until field. Click OK if you want to use this date.
3. To select another date, click in the Trial closure until field. 4. Select the required date.
The contract data and financial data now are automatically available in the
Closure date overview TSI of the
Contracts launch group.
Closure date overview allows you to check the correctness of the data. For details on this TSI, see
Closure date overview.
After you have checked and approved the correctness of the financial and contract data, you can run a final amount closure. For details, see
Running a final amount closure.