Shifting contract dates
The Shift contract dates option allows you to shift the dates of a contract, together with the dates of all related subcontracts and contract lines. The dates of contract options, contract actions and contractual terms are automatically moved with the contract.
It is recommended that you carefully check the new dates after you have shifted contract dates.
If, initially, the contract’s Date effective and the Planon > calculation start date were equal, and the contract’s date effective is shifted forward, the Planon calculation start date is moved too. This is only true for contracts with status In preparation.
1. At the Contracts selection level, click the contract for which you want to shift dates. The Shift contract dates option is only available for contracts that are in the In Preparation status.
2. On the action menu, click Shift contract dates.
The Enter values window is displayed. The Enter values window contains the current start date and the current end date by default.
If you want to shift the contract one month forward, simply specify a start date that is one month later. As the contract period is 1 year, the end date is adjusted automatically.
3. Click OK.
The contract dates, including those for subcontracts and contract lines, are now shifted.
Consider a scenario in which the contract line and subcontract have a different start date and/or end date than that of the contract:

Start date contract: 4/28/2009

End date contract: 4/27/2010
Contract period: 1 year
Start date contract line: 6/1/2009

End date contract line: 4/27/2010
Start date subcontract: 7/1/2009
End date subcontract: 12/30/2009
Contract line period: 6 months
Shifting the contract’s start date by one month will result in the following:
New start date contract: 5/28/2009

New end date contract: 5/27/2010
Contract period: 1 year
New start date contract line: 7/1/2009
End date contract line remains 4/27/2010
New start date subcontract: 8/1/2009
New end date subcontract: 1/30/2010