Operator | Description |
<, ≤, =, ≥, > <>, <> or empty | Logical operators that compare the search field with the search value. |
%searchkey% | Operator that enables you to search for entries containing (parts of) the specific word (search key). You can use multiple search keys to fine-tune your result. |
Contains Does not contain | Operators that search for the presence of the search value in the search field. |
Contains a value Does not contain a value | Operators that search for the presence of any value in the search field. |
Starts with Does not start with Does not start with or is empty | Operators that search for the presence of the search value at the beginning of the search field. |
Ends with Does not end with Does not end with or is empty | Operators that search for the presence of the search value at the end of the search field. |
In Not in Not in or empty | Operators that search for the presence of a set of search values in the search field. |
Between | Operators that search for a range of values in the search field. It includes both the start and end values. For orders, using the search operator Between is not possible for alphanumeric fields containing only digits because it throws off sorting. To work around this issue, do not filter on Number, but add No. (SysOrderID) to the layout to filter on the (main) order. |