General Data : Personnel : Personnel – Field Descriptions
Personnel – Field Descriptions
Personnel fields
A person’s unique code. It is either automatically generated or manually entered.
Person type
Link a relevant person type to a person. You can select one or multiple person types from a pick list.
Professional title
Specify how this person must be addressed: with Mr, Mrs or Ms.
Enter the person’s initials.
First name
Enter the person’s first name.
If relevant, enter the person’s prefix.
Enter the person’s surname.
If applicable, enter the person's abbreviated name or alias, which is used for identification in a corporate application, for example.
Select the person's gender: Male, Female or X (gender-neutral).
User defined status
Displays the current status of this person.
Main enterprise
Select the main company / holding for which this person is working. A dialog box referring to the Addresses TSI is available in this field.
From the dialog box available in this field, select the department for which the person is working.
Enter the position the person is holding.
Select the property in which the person is working. A dialog box referring to the Spaces & Workspaces TSI is available in this field.
Select the space in which the person is working. A dialog box referring to the Spaces & Workspaces TSI is available in this field.
Work address
Select the address or service team to which this person is linked. A dialog box referring to the Addresses TSI is available in this field.
Phone number
Enter the person’s land line telephone number.
Enter the person’s email address.
Mobile phone number
Enter the persons mobile phone number.
Transferred to archive
Displays whether this person's record was transferred to the archive.
Cost center
Select the cost centre to which this person is linked. (The data in the dialog box that is available in this field is maintained in Supporting data ).
Upload a picture of the person in this field.
Employment type
Select the person’s employment type from the dialog box in this field.