Activity type of asset activity definition or standard activity definition | Available start & end date-times of asset activity definition or standard activity definition before compiling | Results in the following start & end date-times of activity definitions after compiling | |||
Other than Replacement | If no start date-time is specified in either the relevant asset activity definition or standard activity definition, and no value is specified in the Maintenance start date field of a linked asset /building element: | The start date of the activity definition is set to be the same as the start date of the maintenance plan. | |||
Other than Replacement | If start date-times are specified in both the Maintenance start date field of the linked asset (or building element) and in the asset activity definition / standard activity definition: | The latest start date-time of the two is set to be the start date-time in the compiled maintenance plan. | |||
Other than Replacement | If end date-times are specified in both the Maintenance end date field of the linked asset (or building element) and in the asset activity definition / standard activity definition: | The earliest end date-time of the two is set to be the end date-time in the compiled maintenance plan. | |||
Activity type of asset activity definition or standard activity definition | Available date-times of linked asset before compiling: | Results in the following start & end date-times of activity definitions after compiling | |||
Replacement | If the Expected economic end date is unspecified: | The Expected technical end date of the linked asset (or building element) is set to be the start date-time in the compiled maintenance plan. | |||
Replacement | If the Expected technical end date is unspecified: | The Expected economic end date of the linked asset (or building element) is set to be the start date-time in the compiled maintenance plan. | |||
Replacement | If no Expected economic end date or Expected technical end date is available: | The start date of the activity definition is the sum of the value in the Date first used field of the asset (or building element) and the Frequency specified in the schedule of the asset activity definition / standard activity definition. | |||
Replacement | If no Date first used is available for the linked asset (or building element): | The start date of the activity definition is the sum of the value in the Date of manufacture / construction field of the asset (or building element) and the Frequency specified in the schedule of the asset activity definition / standard activity definition. | |||
Replacement | If no Date of manufacture / construction is available for the linked asset (or building element): | The start date of the activity definition is the sum of the value in the Maintenance start date field of the asset (or building element) and the Frequency specified in the schedule of the asset activity definition / standard activity definition. | |||
Replacement | If date-times are available in one of the above-mentioned fields of the linked asset (or building element): - Expected technical end date - Expected economic end date - Date first used - Date of manufacture / construction and in the asset activity definition / standard activity definition: | The latest date-time of the two is set to be the start date-time of the activity definition in the compiled maintenance plan. | |||
Replacement | If no date-times are available in one of the above-mentioned fields of the linked asset (or building element), nor in the asset activity definition / standard activity definition or if the above-mentioned dates are earlier than the start date of the maintenance plan: | The start date of the activity definition is set to be the same as the start date of the maintenance plan. |