Technical Facility Management : Planned maintenance : Generating maintenance orders
Generating maintenance orders
You can generate a PPM / maintenance order for each recurring or non-recurring activity of an activity definition. The linked standard order is used as a template for order generation.
*•     If you do not want to generate a maintenance order for each individual activity, you can cluster activities by certain criteria and generate only one clustered order, or a few (depending on the criteria). See Generating maintenance orders for clustered activities.
1. At Maintenance Planner > Definitions & schedules > Activity definitions, select the activity definition(s) for which you want to generate orders.
Ensure that a relevant schedule is linked to the activity definition.
2. On the action panel, click Generate orders (or, if you selected multiple activity definitions select Action on selection Generate orders and click OK.)
The Enter values dialog box appears, with default start date-time today, 00:00.
3. Enter a relevant start date-time and end date-time between which you want to generate maintenance orders.
Maintenance orders are now generated in the Work Orders TSI for each recurring and non-recurring activity in the graphical planner from the selected start date until the selected end date, and in accordance with the frequency specified in the linked schedule.