Modifying multiple activity definitions in the graphical planner
You can edit the data of multiple maintenance activity definitions in one go, from within the graphical planner.
1. Go to Maintenance Planner.
2. Make relevant selections on the various preceding levels and then go to Definitions & schedules.
3. Click the Graphical planner button.
4. In the elements panel, select the activity definitions whose data you want to change in one go.
if there are many activity definitions in your selection, the elements panel will consist of
multiple pages, as indicated at the bottom of the screen. To retain your selection over multiple pages, use
CTRL+click to select elements.
5. Right-click and select Modify within selection.
The Modify within selection dialog box appears.
6. Check the check boxes of the relevant fields.
7. Make the relevant changes in those fields and click OK.
The Question dialog box is displayed, warning you how many fields will be affected by the change.
8. If you agree with the changes, click OK to proceed.
The changes are applied to the selected activity definitions.
You may receive error messages if any conflicts arise because of the changes. You can now either select:
• Skip to skip individual changes
• Skip all to skip all changes with conflicts
• Stop, to stop implementing the changes altogether