Reading (polling) cycle
During the reading intervals, the following tasks are performed:
*Polling can apply to both Planon managed, and custom managed connectors (but only when the latter is using the Pull mechanism).
Collects all active connectors.
A connector is active if its status in Planon Software Suite is set to Active manually.
Collects all active measurement points linked to these connectors.
A measurement point is active if its status in Planon Software Suite is set to Active manually.
Communicates with the sensoring system(s) and collects occupancy data from all active measurement points.
The connector defines the API to the sensoring system (web service).
Updates every active measurement point based on the occupancy data received (only when a change is detected). This update is performed on the measurement point, linked to the location.
Stores historical data.
*Some of these tasks depend on configuration settings.