Synchronization process
During synchronization, a list of the relations between a measurement point and its corresponding sensors is created for each connector. The sensoring system determines which of the following sensor properties are required:
• Connector code
• Measurement point code (mandatory)
• Measurement point name
• Measurement point capacity
• Measurement point type
• Sensor IDs (1-5) (mandatory)
• Sensor type
• Is secondary sensor
This list is published to the corresponding sensoring system, so that it can update its configuration table mapping the physical sensor IDs and their measurement point IDs.
Per API Version 3 Planon supports polling by multiple Planon environments. Be careful when simultaneously linking two different Planon environments to one sensoring system, e.g. in the case of DTAP. When changing settings to the measurement points in a test environment and synchronizing these changes with the sensoring system, this will result in a production environment that is out of sync.
There are two ways to perform synchronization, manually triggering the action or by scheduling it. Typically, synchronization is required only if something has changed; usually manually triggering the action suffices.