Triggering synchronization
This section describes the process of triggering synchronization.
If the connector is defined for API Version 3 or 4, the synchronization of measurement points can be triggered via the Synchronize action on the Connectors level.
If the value of the Synchronize field is set to Yes, the measurement points that are linked to the connector are transmitted to the sensoring system to be synchronized. When the synchronization is completed, the value of the Synchronize field is changed to No.
Failures during the synchronization process will be returned as errors resulting in a list in the Connector's event log.
• The sensoring system is responsible for the correctness of registration of measurement points.
• You can automate synchronization by using a scheduled action in Alerts on the Sensoring system connectors business object. The action will set the Synchronize field on the connector to Yes, so that the synchronization process is picked up at the next polling cycle.