Connector - fields
*The following Connector fields are available in the Planon application. These fields apply to all connector types, but the ones without an asterisk (*) are available only for Planon managed connectors.
Enter a unique code for the connector.
Enter a description for the connector.
Enter notes (optional). The notes that you enter will be visible to the Planon administrator only.
Data engine*
Select the data engine to which you want to link the connector.
Enter the URL of the web service published by the sensoring system.
Login ID
Enter the login ID of the web service (connector) to connect to the data engine.
Enter the password for the login ID.
API version
Indicate the API version to be used for communication between the Data Engine and the sensoring system. The following options are available:
Version 3-4
This version is based on the REST protocol and can handle full data return and changed data returns. It includes Synchronization and Polling with multiple systems.
A hexadecimal identifier for the LoRa gateway.
* Only applicable when using a LoRa connection.
The value in this field must comply with hexadecimal format and length. You can only change the value in this field if the connector is Inactive.
System status*
Indicates the connector status:
Active – the connector is operational.
Inactive – the connector is not operational.
Immeasurable – the status of the connector cannot be resolved. The cause of the error (going from Active to Immeasurable) is printed in the event log.
Indicate whether the selected connector should be included in the synchronization process.
When set to Yes, a sync will happen during the next polling cycle.
* After a successful run, the application switches off the Monitoring mode activated? and Synchronize fields automatically. However, if encountering issues, the application will continue to try and do this for some time, clogging the process. To overcome this situation, you can inactivate the connector. By inactivating the connector, the Monitoring mode activated? and Synchronize fields will be switched off and the process is reset. After activating the connector again, you can manually enable these fields.
Latest synchronization
Displays the date and time that the connector last synchronized with the sensoring system.
Indicate the field of BO Person to be used as lookup field by the sensoring system. This field will be used to display the person occupying the location.
* •    Measuring person data is not mandatory and can violate privacy laws.
•    The sensoring system determines whether measuring persons is actually possible. (See also Occupancy calculation).
Monitoring mode activated?
When set to Yes, a record will be added to the event log at the next polling. You can activate monitoring mode by clicking Monitor communication on the action panel.
* After a successful run, the application switches off the Monitoring mode activated? and Synchronize fields automatically. However, if encountering issues, the application will continue to try and do this for some time, clogging the process. To overcome this situation, you can inactivate the connector. By inactivating the connector, the Monitoring mode activated? and Synchronize fields will be switched off and the process is reset. After activating the connector again, you can manually enable these fields.
Email address for notification*
When set to Yes, an email will be sent to the members of the Email address(es) (AlertEmailList) if the measurement point/connector is set to Immeasurable.
Email address(es)*
Enter the email address of the person(s) who should receive an email alert when the connector is set to Immeasurable.
To enter multiple email addresses, use a comma (,) or semi-colon (;) as separator.
Custom managed connector only
Class name
Select one of the available classes, installed by apps, that performs the polling.
App name
The value in this read-only field is filled in automatically based on the selected class.
App module name
The value in this read-only field is filled in automatically based on the selected class.
Partner identifier
The value in this read-only field is filled in automatically based on the selected class.
Onboarding class
Specify the app's class for onboarding (optional).
Polling class
Specify the app's class that collects the data for the measurement point (optional).