Data engine - fields
Enter a code (alphanumeric) to identify the data engine.
Enter a meaningful name.
Enter remarks as a note for system administrators.
Polling interval (sec)
Specify the time interval for polling the sensoring system (in seconds). The default setting is 60 seconds.
Last response date
The value in this field is used to determine whether the Data Engine is still polling.
The engine is updated every 10 minutes (fixed time interval). If this time stamp has not been updated for more than 10 minutes, this indicates that the engine is down and action is required to revive it.
* •    If Planon Workplace Insights is critical to your business process, we recommend to closely monitor this field, for example by specifying an alert for it.
•    Keep in mind that the Data Engine runs on server time. If the web server runs in the Cloud, the time zone is UTC+0. A notification is based on the user's time zone, take this into account when setting a notification schedule.