Adding a connector
Based on configuration, a connection is established between the data engine and the sensoring system.
Specify the details of the sensoring system connector. You can choose to add two different types of connectors:
Planon managed connector
The sensoring system has a Restful API to which the Planon Workplace Insights Connector interfaces. This connector is system-specific. In order to update the occupancy information, Planon regularly polls the sensoring system for updates.
Custom managed connector
The connection with the sensoring system is handled via Event Connector, a generic gateway between third-party applications and Planon. A great many configuration details (connection, transformation of raw messages into messages) is handled by a Platform app. Unlike the Planon managed connector, the custom managed connector receives the data as soon as it is available (real time).
*Currently, Planon Workplace Insights can only process inbound messages.
Planon Workplace Insights can have multiple connectors for different kinds of sensoring systems.
1. Go to Connectors > Connectors.
2. On the action menu, click Add.
Select the type of connector that you want to add.
3. Complete the fields in the data section.
For a description of these fields, refer to Connectors - fields.
4. Click Save.
A new connector is added to Planon Workplace Insights in Planon Software Suite. You can now add measurement point definitions to this connector.