About Reservations
Reservations – Concepts
Standard reservations
Recurring reservations
Reservation units
Space units
Asset units
Flexible workspaces
Graphical planner
Compound reservation units
Transition period
Desk configuration
Order lines
Answer lines
Floors and spaces
Reservation costs
Tariff groups
Price agreement
Working with Reservations
Adding a reservation
Adding a subreservation
Finding available reservation units
Copying a reservation
Moving a reservation
Changing the main reservation's start / end times
Specifying reservation costs
Adding suborders to a reservation
Adding visitors to a reservation
Swapping reservations
Copying visitors to another reservation
Adding documents to a reservation
Changing a reservation's status
Archiving reservations
Using standard reservations and orders
Adding a reservation based on a standard order
Adding a suborder based on a standard order
Adding a standard order with order lines
Making a reservation recurrent
Saving and loading user settings of recurring reservations
Modifying a recurring reservation
Changing the status of recurring reservations
Creating projects
Replacing reservation tariff groups
Working with the Graphical planner
Adding reservation units to the Graphical planner
Specifying a standard desk configuration
Linking a non-bookable period to a reservation unit
Adding a reservation in the Graphical planner
Specifying colors for the bars of the graphical planner
Specifying a default color for the bars of the graphical planner
Specifying text on the bars of the graphical planner
Creating compound reservation units
Setting a transition period for a reservation unit
Available actions in the graphical planner
Modifying a reservation in the graphical planner
Modifying the start and end time of a reservation
Searching available reservation units
Finding space units by desk configuration
Searching for flexible workspaces
Generating QR codes for flexible workspaces
Reporting in Reservations
Reservation unit occupancy
Space unit occupancy
Asset unit occupancy
Flexible workspace occupancy
Reservations - Field Descriptions
Reservation fields
Reservation status fields
Reservation unit fields
Space unit fields
Asset unit fields
Flexible workspace fields
About Reservations
Flexible workspace fields