Fields | Description | |
User order type | The system definition of the business object concerned (reservation). | |
Status | The system status of the reservation. | |
Number | In this mandatory field, Essentials Edition will automatically generate a number. | |
Standard order | If you want to add a standard reservation, you can select it from a pick list in this field. For more information on using standard reservations, refer to Using standard reservations and orders. | |
Booked by | Displays the person who actually booked the reservation. The person can for example be a secretary booking on behalf of his/her manager. In this case, the manager will be the requestor. For more information on reservation using Microsoft Exchange clients such as Outlook / Web Access, see Connect for Outlook – User’s Guide. | |
Requestor | The requestor is the person who has requested the reservation. A requestor can be selected from a pick list containing people from Personnel . | |
Internally assigned by | Select the internal person that assigned the order. | |
External requestor | In this field you can open the External requestors window by clicking the selection button. In this window you can include people in the list of external requestors. The data will be saved so that newly entered requestors can be selected. | |
Start date & time | Specify the start date-time of the reservation. | |
End date & time | Specify the end date-time of the reservation. For reservations created by Exchange, the end date-time of a reservation can be shortened when the reservation completes early so that the room can be made available again. To enable this, the setting Allow shortening of reservations made by Exchange? must be set to Yes. For more information on the setting, see Field Definer > Reservations - Order settings. | |
Property | The property the reservation refers to. The required property can be chosen from a pick list containing all properties registered in Essentials Edition . | |
Reservation unit | Select a reservation unit from the 'Space units', 'Asset units' or 'Flexible workspaces' tab. You can also filter on the following options: All: all reservation units are displayed. This is the default setting. Property: only the reservation units of a specific property are displayed. Complex: only the reservation units of a specific complex are displayed. Select the Show available reservation units check box to retrieve the available reservation units within the filtered list of reservation units. | |
Number of people | The number of people for whom a space unit is booked. | |
Selected desk configuration | This field is automatically populated if a desk configuration is specified for the reservation unit. It is also possible to modify the suggested desk configuration via a pop-up containing all possible configurations for the reserved space. For each space unit, you can specify one or more desk configurations in Supporting data . For more information, see Supporting data . This field is populated with the type of desk configuration that is selected in the 'Type' filter. | |
Space | The space to which a reservation applies. A pick list is available for this field, containing all spaces from Spaces & Workspaces . | |
Asset ID | The asset to which a reservation applies. The asset can be selected from a pick list containing all assets registered in Technical assets . | |
Order group | The order group that applies to a reservation unit. This field is automatically completed after you have completed the Reservation unit field. The order group can be modified manually. Note: the various orders such as work orders and reservations can be found by order group in Work Orders . | |
Project | In this field you can select one of the available projects from a pick list. For more information on creating projects, refer to Work Orders . | |
Approved by | The person who has to authorize the reservation. For this field a pick list is available, containing people from Personnel . | |
Budget | The budget to which the reservation costs are booked. The budget can be selected from a pick list containing all budgets registered in Budgets . | |
Department | The department to which the reservation applies. A department can be selected from a pick list. | |
Internal coordinator | The person in the organization responsible for completion of the order can be selected in this field. For this field a pick list is available, containing people from Personnel . | |
External tradesperson | If an order is completed by an external tradesperson, the responsible tradesperson can be specified in this field. A pick list is available, containing the external tradespersons registered in Addresses . | |
Internal tradesman | In this field you can specify the employee responsible for carrying out the order. For this field a pick list is available, containing people from Personnel . | |
Contract | This field specifies the contract linked to the reservation. A contract can be selected from a pick list. | |
Cost center | Here you can enter the cost center for the reservation. There is a pick list available for this field. | |
Created by | The name of the person entering the reservation, if this person is logged on to the system under a valid user name. | |
Asset group | Information on the asset group to which the asset specified in the Asset ID field belongs. The contents of the field cannot be modified. | |
Trade | In this field, you can link the order to a specific trade, which can be selected from a pick list. | |
Recurring reservation | The number and description of the original reservation for a recurring reservation. For more information on recurring reservations, refer to Making a reservation recurrent. | |
Reported on | In this field the date and time when the reservation is added is automatically specified. | |
Quotation date | This field specifies the date and time on which a reservation is given the Reservation made status. The system date and time are copied by default. These values can be modified manually. | |
Date accepted | This field specifies the date and time on which a reservation is given the Reservation administratively complete status. | |
Booking utilized | Indicates weather the booking (reservation) of a room is utilized or not. The following statuses are available: • No (no show) - The reservation's start time has passed and no attendees appeared within the specified time frame. • Unknown - The reservation's status is unknown. • Yes - The reservation is in progress. This field can be automatically filled by using an action definition in Alerts . If you use the Room booking panel to create a reservation for the meeting room, and if the requestor/attendee does not 'check in' within the No-show time offset period, the reservation is canceled and the Booking utilized field is set to No (no show). To enable the Booking utilized feature, you must select the relevant settings in Field definer > Orders > Business object settings > Reservations tab > Booking utilized. |