Adding a reservation in the Graphical planner
You can add reservations for all reservation units on the graphical planner. The procedure for adding a reservation is the same for all reservation units. Reservations can be added in any period view (day, week, month).
1. Go to Graphical planner > Space units / Asset units / Flexible workspaces.
2. Select the relevant reservation unit.
Point to the required start time on the graphical planner. A date-time tooltip is displayed as you start hovering the cursor over the graphical planner.
3. Click while pressing down the left mouse button and drag the cursor to the required end time.
If you make a selection for non-working hours, an alert is displayed, stating that the reservation is outside the defined working hours. The working and non-working hours of a reservation unit are determined by the
Calendar. Non-working days / hours are displayed against a gray background in the graphical planner.
Non-bookable periods are also displayed in a gray color on the graphical planner. If you try to create a reservation during non-bookable period, an error is displayed. For more information on non-booking periods, see
Supporting data .
4. Release the left mouse button. The Add reservation dialog box appears.
5. Enter data in the relevant fields.
6. Click OK.
The reservation for the selected time is displayed on the graphical planner:
By hovering the mouse over the reservation, you will see details such as the start/end date-time, requestor and number of people. The link icon indicates that the reservation has subreservations / suborders.