Archiving reservations
Reservations that are completed can be transferred to the digital archive in Essentials Edition . You can modify the archived reservations by retrieving them from archive.
Whether a reservation can be archived depends on your settings and authorizations. Reservations with the following system statuses can be archived:
• Reservation administratively complete
• Reservation canceled
• Reservation in option
Reservations in this status can be archived once the date of the reservation unit expires.
To archive groups of reservations, you can use the Action on selection option.
For more information on archiving and on the use of the
Action on selection option, refer to
Fundamentals .
If you archive a reservation to which suborders have been added, these suborders will be archived too. If you retrieve an archived suborder, the main reservation will also be displayed automatically. If you archive a reservation to which visitors have been linked, the visitors will be archived too.
Essentials Edition can only archive visitors with the status
Departed or
Canceled. Archived visitors are visible on the
Reservation details >
Archived visitors step. Note that the
Show archived items toolbar button in the
Graphical planner applies to archived reservation units and not to archived reservations.
If the reservation unit linked to a mailbox is transferred to archive, then the mailbox status is set back to
In preparation. As a result, the mailbox will no longer be subscribed and new meeting invites are not processed.
For more information on mailbox subscription, refer to
Connect for Outlook - Administrator's Guide.