Specifying a standard desk configuration
For each space unit, you can specify one or more desk configurations in Supporting data , for example: Circle, Rows or Square. In Reservations, one of these desk configurations can be specified as the standard desk configuration.
If you use the graphical planner to find space units with a specific desk configuration, by default only space units with standard desk configuration are displayed. However, you also have option to display alternate desk configurations. For more information on desk configurations, refer to
Finding space units by desk configuration.
For more information on defining and maintaining desk configurations, see
Supporting data .
1. Go to Graphical planner > Space units.
2. Select the space unit for which you want to specify the standard desk configuration.
3. Go to the Data view > Desk configuration field to select a value.
The Desk configuration window opens.
4. Select the required desk configuration and click Save.
This desk configuration is now set as the standard desk configuration for the selected space unit.