Specifying reservation costs
In order to automatically charge back the costs of reservations, Essentials Edition provides several charge back options that can be used from the Reservation costs window.
If you want to specify reservation costs for a selected reservation, click Reservations costs from the action menu. Subsequently, you can add or modify all relevant reservation costs that are to be charged back to the FM customer in the Reservation costs window.
1. Go to Reservations selection level.
2. On the action menu, click Reservations costs.
3. The Reservation costs dialog box appears. Here you have to select from the following calculation methods available:
◦ Arrangement only - Select an arrangement from the pick list in the Arrangement section.
◦ Price agreement - Specify a price.
◦ Tariff group - Select a specific tariff group from the list.
If you selected Tariff group calculation method, the required number of years, months, weeks, days, mornings, afternoons, or hours in the appropriate tariff count fields are specified in the section with tariff variables.
If a tariff group is linked to a reservation unit, the reservation costs (including VAT costs and any cancellation costs) are automatically calculated (if indicated in the reservation settings) and registered in the Reservation costs window.
The tariff count fields are read only and cannot be edited. If the user wants deviating costs, it can be done by either selecting a Price agreement or by applying a discount. For example, the user can charge only 3 hours instead of the calculated 3.35 hours.
4. Select Yes in the Arrangement (Y/N) field to specify that an additional arrangement applies, if you have combined the Tariff group or the Price agreement with an additional arrangement.
The number of people for which the reservation is made, is automatically specified in the center field of the Arrangement (Y/N) section. This number is derived from the Number of people field of the reservation itself. In the last field of the Arrangement (Y/N) section, you can select an arrangement from the list.
5. The subtotal of the reservation costs is displayed in the Subtotal reservation costs field.
6. If applicable, select a discount percentage or discount amount in the appropriate fields. To specify a surcharge, enter a negative discount.
7. If the reservation is canceled, enter a cancellation date for the reservation. The cancellation costs are applied automatically.
8. If applicable, select a (different) VAT tariff and view the total costs in the Total costs section.
9. Click Save.
You have now added reservation costs to the selected reservation.
To modify the reservation costs, all you have to do is to modify the required field values and save them.
The reservation costs are automatically generated along with the tariff group assigned, if you enable the
Automatically generate reservation costs option in
Field definer .
If you do not enable the
Automatically generate reservation costs option, you can generate the cost line manually at a later time in the
Reservation costs window.
If cancellation costs have been specified for the tariff group that is linked to a reservation and if the status of the reservation is changed to
Canceled, the
Reservation costs window will open automatically. Subsequently, a cancellation date and cancellation fee will be specified in the cancellation section.
Your organization can define its own tariff groups and arrangements. For more information on adding and maintaining tariff groups and arrangements, refer to
Supporting data .
Recalculating tariff amounts in the Reservation costs window
If you have made a reservation for a reservation unit that is linked to a tariff group, or if you have manually linked a tariff group to your reservation, the reservation costs are automatically calculated according to the tariff group specifications.
Essentials Edition will always select the most advantageous option. In other words, if it is less expensive to charge one morning instead of four hours, one morning will be charged.
Reservation costs on the Actual costs selection step
Reservation costs for reservations that do not have the Reservation option status will result in a cost line on the Reservation details > Actual costs.
For more information on the reservation settings, refer to
Field definer .
The costs of reservations and orders can also be registered and viewed as cost lines on the
Actual costs selection step. Refer to the section on
Reservation costs on the Actual costs selection step.
You can also register a reservation’s estimates, actual costs, and man-hours.
For more information on registering estimates, actual costs and man-hours, refer to
Work Orders .