Technical Facility Management : Work orders : Working with Work Orders : Calculating the Requested completion date
Calculating the Requested completion date
The Requested completion date of an order is calculated from the interval between the priority and the moment of starting an order.
The following fields determine the moment an order is started:
The Start date-time in case of suborders under Planned maintenance orders / Recurring orders.
The Reported on (InsertDateTime) or (if populated) Original reporting date-time in any other case.
The following scenarios explain how a company calendar is applied depending on the interval for the priority:
If the priority interval is in years/months/weeks, non-working days and non-working hours (both normal and deviating) are not taken into account.
If the priority interval is in days, only non-working days (both normal and deviating) as defined in the applicable calendar are taken into account.
*If the date-time of the field used for calculating the Requested completion date is outside working hours, the first possible date-time within working hours on a working day is used for the calculations.
Similarly, if the calculated requested completion date is outside working hours/days, then it is set to the first possible date-time that is within working hours on a working day.
If the priority interval is in hours, the calculation is similar to a priority in days. However, non working hours (both normal and deviating) as defined in the applicable calendar are taken into account as well.
If the priority interval is in minutes, non-working days and non-working hours (both normal and deviating) are not taken into account. This is because for this priority, the work is considered to be so urgent that it should be carried out irrespective of working hours/days.
*If an order is resumed from an 'On hold' status, the Requested completion date is recalculated.
Calendar: working hours Mon-Fri 9:00 - 17:00
Reported on (InsertDateTime)
Requested completion date-time
Fri 3/4/2020 16:00
120 min
Fri 3/4/2020 18:00
Fri 3/4/2020 16:00
2 hrs
Mon 6/4/2020 10:30
Fri 3/4/2020 16:00
1 day
Mon 6/4/2020 16:00 (working hours are not taken into account)
Fri 3/4/2020 16:00
24 hrs
Wed 6/4/2020 16:00 (working hours and working days are taken into account)
Fri 3/4/2020 18:00
120 min
Fri 3/4/2020 20:00
Fri 3/4/2020 18:00
2 hrs
Mon 6/4/2020 11:00
Fri 3/4/2020 18:00
1 day
Tue 6/4/2020 09:00
Fri 3/4/2020 18:00
1 week
Fri 10/4/2020 18:00 (working days are not taken into account)
Fri 3/4/2020 18:00
7 days
Tue 14/4/2020 18:00 (working hours are taken into account)
Fri 3/4/2020 18:00
1 month
Sun 3/5/2020 18:00