Technical Facility Management : Work orders : Working with Work Orders : Repeating a suborder in recurrent orders
Repeating a suborder in recurrent orders
If you add a suborder to one particular order in a series of recurring orders, Essentials Edition asks if you want to repeat this suborder for all the recurring orders.
1. Select OK. The suborder is automatically added to all the recurring orders.
If you select Cancel, the suborder will be added only to that particular recurring order.
2. If you decide at a later stage that you want to repeat the suborder, select the suborder and click Repeat suborder within group. This will add a copy of the suborder to all the future recurring orders.
For all recurring orders, Essentials Edition will automatically populate the Recurrence group field with the number and description of the original order.
All recurring orders will get the default initial status even if the original order has another status.
If the original order includes order line costs, these are also adopted for the recurring orders.