Monitoring notifications
A sensoring system and data engine consist of many different components that rely on "communication".
If the communication in this intricate system of connectors and measurement point definitions stalls, it is important to be informed as soon as possible.
For measurement point definitions and connectors in Planon, you can set up notifications in two ways:
• Planon Workplace Insights notification options.
◦ By using the available notification options for measurement point definitions and connectors, a specified list of persons can be informed if an error situation occurs.
The notification is a quick-and-dirty solution that consist of a system message, lacking formatting.
The notification is based on the fields Email address for notification and Email address(es) on measurement point definitions and connectors.
• Planon Alerts notification options.
By using Alerts, recipients can be notified or alerted when a specific condition is met. The notifications can be customized using email templates. For more information, see