This topic describes the basic features of Planon nd its various screen elements.
The Planon user interface mainly consists of three sections:
1. Planon ribbon
2. Navigation panel
3. Workspace
Following is the image that explains the Planon structure.
Planon ribbon
The ribbon contains the navigation panel toggle button and the Planon logo on the left side and some generic features which work across the application.
For more information about the options on the ribbon, refer to Planon ribbon.
Navigation panel
The navigation panel allows you to navigate through the different modules of the application. Click a navigation item to open the module in the workspace. For more information, refer to Navigation.
The Workspace is that part of your screen where a user interface module such as the homepage or a TSI is displayed.
For more information, refer to Homepage.
Multi tab browser support
You can open Planon in multiple tabs on your browser.
A single login works for all browser tabs.
Only one module license is used for all tabs.
When you open the application in different tabs, you can view the same or different TSIs from your navigation panel.
This can be done by copying the URL to a new tab or right-clicking a TSI in the navigation panel and opening it in a new tab or a window.